Ex-Guard Q4 Newletter
Q 4 2 0 1 7 N E WS
Sales Corner Featuring DAVE EDWARDS
My name is Dave Edwards and I am the Southeast U.S. Sales Consultant for Ex-Guard Industries. I joined the Ex-Guard team three years ago, and I am pleased to be a part of a strong, ever-growing team and brand. I enjoy traveling to different countries and, so far, have checked 14 off my list spanning four continents. My favorite hobbies consist of acquiring recipes for barbequing and smoking meat; I do try them all and love the sampling process as well. On weekends, I play the guitar in jam sessions with some friends and just have a good time overall with family and friends. I grew up in the New York and Connecticut area and first began working in my father’s business. My brothers and I started working while attending school and graduated after 12th grade going directly into the workforce as sales personnel. Following working for my father, I entered the medical equipment field and did sales for 10 years in that industry. The entrepreneurial spirit grasped me while working in medical equipment sales so I ventured into importing & exporting. After 20 years
of being my own boss, I chose to sell the company in 2005. I relocated to Des Moines, IA and returned to the sales field for five years before being offered a position at Ex-Guard Industries. Starting off, Ex-Guard offered me the opportunity to sell to fleets in the Midwest Region. Months later, I transitioned to the Southeast Region where I partner with dealers to provide fleets with the ‘Ex-Guard Solution.’ One of the best parts of my job is working with dealers and watching them help fleets outfit and protect their trucks where it is a ‘win-win’ for everyone! My personal goal is to provide all fleets in my area with the ‘Ex-Guard Solution’ to save them money and keep their wheels turning so they can keep on earning. I truly believe Ex-Guard is the best front end protection system in the world because of the value, toughness, and aesthetics provided. So, get protected with Ex-Guard!
“Love the people, love the product, and love the challenge!”
Dave Edwards Sales Consultant, Ex-Guard Industries
One of the best parts of my job is working with dealers and watching them help fleets outfit and protect their trucks.
888.902.2777 / marketing@ex-guard.com
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